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Frequently Asked Dental Questions – Baltimore, MD

Learning More About Dentistry

We’re used to hearing interesting questions from our patients every day, and we love being able to teach them more about dentistry and taking care of their teeth. We’ve listed some of the most common questions we’ve heard on this page. If you don’t find the answers you’re looking for here, contact us and ask! There’s no such thing as a question too minor for us; we’ll do everything we can to help you fully understand your dental care.

How Often Do I Need to Visit the Dentist?

No matter how young or old you are, it is recommended that you visit the dentist at least twice a year. Getting a checkup and cleaning every six months will help keep your smile looking bright and lower the risk of tooth decay, cavities, and gum disease.

Do I Need to Replace Missing Teeth That No One Else Can See?

Yes! A missing tooth means more than just an unattractive gap in your smile; it also means one less tooth to handle the pressures of biting and chewing. Your other teeth will start to wear down faster and could drift out of place, causing numerous alignment-related issues. Fortunately, we have multiple tooth-replacement options to consider, including dental implants.

How Can You Enhance My Smile?

There’s an aesthetic benefit to keeping your teeth healthy, of course, but there are plenty of cosmetic treatments that focus entirely on correcting various flaws in your smile. Between porcelain veneers, cosmetic bonding, professional whitening, and other options, we can offer plenty of paths toward your dream smile.

Can I Straighten My Teeth Without Braces?

Indeed, you can! With Invisalign clear aligners, it’s possible to straighten your teeth without metal brackets and wires. This system even lets you continue to eat all of your favorite foods and brush your teeth normally throughout the treatment.

How Serious Is Gum Disease?

That depends on how early you have it treated. If you catch it during the gingivitis stage, it can easily be reversed with a professional cleaning and good oral hygiene. On the other hand, if it reaches the periodontitis stage, you’ll be at a high risk of tooth loss.

Will You Accept My Dental Insurance?

We are an out-of-network provider but, as a courtesy, our team will submit the claim and if you have out-of-network benefits, your insurance will reimburse you directly. Contact us if you have any questions.