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Advanced Dental Services & Technology – Baltimore, MD

How We Make Your Dental Experience Better

As dental care continues to improve with every new advancement, our experts at Baltimore Dental Arts make sure to keep up with the latest techniques and technology so that we can make your visits as efficient and comfortable as possible. From improved patient-dentist communication to enhanced treatment planning, modern technology transforms the way we take care of your smile. Before you schedule an appointment with us, why not take the time to learn more about the different instruments that our dental office uses?

Woman receiving 3 D C T cone beam scans

Digital X-Rays

Two dentists looking at digital x-rays

Digital X-rays are a notable improvement over those based on traditional film. We won’t need to develop the images in a darkroom filled with toxic chemicals. Instead, the pictures we need are developed almost instantly, saving everyone a lot of time. We can easily display the images on a monitor so that you can see the results for yourself. Also, digital X-rays are safer than traditional X-rays since they expose you to 90% less radiation.

Intraoral Camera

Dentist capturing images with intraoral camera

If you’ve ever had trouble imagining what your dentist is describing, you’ve probably wished you could take a good look at your own smile. An intraoral camera will let us show you exactly what is going on your mouth. The camera can be used to take pictures of the teeth and gums from a variety of angles; said pictures can be displayed on our chairside monitor so that you can see the results for yourself.

CT / Cone Beam Scanner

C T cone beam scanner

When performing certain complex dental procedures such as implant placement, we need as much information about your mouth as possible – far more information than we’d be able to get from a regular X-ray. With a cone beam scanner, we can create a three-dimensional model of your mouth that shows us your teeth, the underlying jawbone, and other important oral structures in great detail so that we know what to expect when we attempt the procedure itself.

Digital Impression System

Digital smile impression systems

When designing a restoration or an oral appliance, we’ll need to take an impression of your teeth. In the past, this has meant using dental putty, which is not only uncomfortable and messy but also prone to mistakes. In contrast, taking digital impressions of your mouth is much faster, and there’s no need to mess around with the goopy putty. You can expect the results to be highly accurate and precise, lowering the risk of needing a retake.

Soft Tissue Laser Dentistry

Soft tissue laser dentistry hand tool

Even patients who are normally nervous about visiting the dentist find it easier to relax when undergoing treatment that makes use of a laser. Our soft tissue laser lets us remove infected or otherwise unneeded gum tissue from your mouth quickly and with a minimum amount of discomfort. Procedures performed this way are generally more comfortable, and your mouth will heal faster afterwards. The energy from the laser also reduces bleeding by cauterizing your exposed blood vessels.

3D Printer

3 d printer

With our 3D printer, we can print both dental implant surgical guides and digital models of teeth to provide better quality, longer-lasting dentistry for you and your family. The benefits are clear — because we are able to add this extra layer of precision to our work — our dentists can ensure your implant placement is accurate, which leads to better placement and osseointegration of the implant post to your jawbone.

Dental Microscopes

Dental microscope equipment

When it comes to your teeth, there are so many tiny details that are nearly impossible to visualize with the naked eye or magnified glasses. That’s why our team has taken quality care to the next level by investing in state-of-the-art dental microscopes. This technology provides a clear, powerful perspective that helps us find the line between healthy and unhealthy situations. The final result? Precise, confident treatment that exceeds your expectations.

In-House Dental Lab

In house dental lab restoration design system

Precision and quality are non-optional when it comes to our custom-made bridges, dentures, crowns, and other dental solutions for rebuilding patients' smiles. That's why, instead of having these restorations created at a far-away lab, we've brought the lab here instead for maximum convenience and control! By keeping this important stage of treatment in-house, we're able to care for our patients more effectively in fewer appointments, make necessary adjustments in record time, and exceed expectations again and again. 

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